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Doctor Who: Straight Outta Gallifrey

Straight Outta Gallifrey is a Doctor Who podcast where we take a closer look at the Doctor Who episodes where other Time Lords and Time Ladies appear, such as the Time Meddler.  We have covered all the classic Doctor Who episodes proper, where other Time Lords and Ladies have appeared.  Please go back and check out those episodes.  We are also doing an extended series called Straight Outta Gallifrey: A State of Temporal Grace.







Aug 26, 2018

Siskoid and Ashford discussed The Name of the Doctor by Steven Moffat.  The Great Intelligence, Splintered Clara, Trenzalore, and the "spirit" of River Song are all in this episode.  Oh, and the Paternoster Gang are on deck as well.  This series finale is all over the a good way!!

Let us know what you think...

Aug 22, 2018

Jordan, Diane, and Ashford are back for a State of Temporal Grace, discussing the Paul McGann story, Night of the Doctor by Steven Moffat. Join us in the discussion at

Aug 6, 2018

Siskoid of the Fire and Water Podcast and Ashford discuss Angels Take Manhattan.  Angels, River Song, and a farewell to Amy and Rory are all part of the discussion.  Write to us at to give us your take on this Timey Wimey, tear...

Aug 1, 2018

The Night and The Doctor are a collection of mini-episodes where we actually see the courtship between River Song and the Doctor.  Moreover, we also get a closer look of Amy questioning her existence to an extent.  

Siskoid and Ashford discuss these mini-episodes for Straight Outta Gallifrey.  Leave your comments for...