Apr 21, 2020
Siskoid, Ruth and Darrin, and Ashford discuss series 18 of Doctor Who! New costumes, new companions, good-byes to the best Romana of them all whatever that meant, a new Master, and a new era. The 80s.
Write to us at prydonian.post@gmail.com Twitter: @sogallifrey
Apr 6, 2020
Siskoid, Ruth and Darrin, and Ashford discuss series 17, where we visit Shada, Skaro, and Paris! We give series 17 a second look, extracting all Timelord...stuff. Hunker down! Give us a listen as you are isolated at home. Hang in there.
Write to us at prydonian.post@gmail.com or on Twitter @Sogallifrey If you...