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Doctor Who: Straight Outta Gallifrey

Straight Outta Gallifrey is a Doctor Who podcast where we take a closer look at the Doctor Who episodes where other Time Lords and Time Ladies appear, such as the Time Meddler.  We have covered all the classic Doctor Who episodes proper, where other Time Lords and Ladies have appeared.  Please go back and check out those episodes.  We are also doing an extended series called Straight Outta Gallifrey: A State of Temporal Grace.







Apr 21, 2020

Siskoid, Ruth and Darrin, and Ashford discuss series 18 of Doctor Who!  New costumes, new companions, good-byes to the best Romana of them all whatever that meant, a new Master, and a new era.  The 80s.    

Write to us at Twitter: @sogallifrey

Apr 6, 2020

Siskoid, Ruth and Darrin, and Ashford discuss series 17, where we visit Shada, Skaro, and Paris!  We give series 17 a second look, extracting all Timelord...stuff.  Hunker down!  Give us a listen as you are isolated at home.  Hang in there.  

Write to us at or on Twitter @Sogallifrey  If you...