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Doctor Who: Straight Outta Gallifrey

Straight Outta Gallifrey is a Doctor Who podcast where we take a closer look at the Doctor Who episodes where other Time Lords and Time Ladies appear, such as the Time Meddler.  We have covered all the classic Doctor Who episodes proper, where other Time Lords and Ladies have appeared.  Please go back and check out those episodes.  We are also doing an extended series called Straight Outta Gallifrey: A State of Temporal Grace.







Sep 25, 2018

Siskoid and Ashford discuss the Time of the Doctor, Matt Smith's farewell episode.  What are you thoughts?  Ashford enjoyed it quite a bit.  He also thinks that the Papal Mainframe should have been a season's...

Sep 21, 2018

Everybody lives! Blitzkrieg Bop!  Sorry.  Just a little excited about the 9th episode of A State of Temporal Grace.  Ashford, Jordan, and Diane discuss The Empty Child and the Doctor Dances.  A two part story that Ashford admits to being glad he viewed the saga in the day time during the first viewing.  Moffat episode...

Sep 11, 2018

Siskoid and Ashford discuss the webisode leading to the 50th Anniversary special, and unfortunately, the beginning of Gallifrey's demise.  Go and watch this webisode.  Free on the internet.  Ethically free.  Less than four minutes.  Thank you for listening to our podcast, but what are your thoughts about Gallifrey and...

Sep 2, 2018

Straight Outta Gallifrey made sure to go back, or forward, or sideways...I lose track sometimes, to revisit the Susan Foreman stories.  Is she a Time Lady?  Ashford is unsure.  Siskoid is convinced that she is.  No matter.  Covering these stories featuring the lovely Carole Ann Ford has been such a delight.  

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