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Doctor Who: Straight Outta Gallifrey

Straight Outta Gallifrey is a Doctor Who podcast where we take a closer look at the Doctor Who episodes where other Time Lords and Time Ladies appear, such as the Time Meddler.  We have covered all the classic Doctor Who episodes proper, where other Time Lords and Ladies have appeared.  Please go back and check out those episodes.  We are also doing an extended series called Straight Outta Gallifrey: A State of Temporal Grace.







Jun 30, 2018

Joe Dredd and Ashford discuss the season finale, Reign of Terror, which splits up our TARDIS team, allowing us to see a really strong William Hartnell on his own.  Write to us at to discuss this story with...

Jun 24, 2018

Attack of the Cybermen is a two part story that is packed with a lot of lore.  Diane of the Helena Wayne Blog, Librarian Jordan, and Ashford discuss this adventure featuring the Colin Baker Doctor and Peri!  Listen to us, A State of...

Jun 11, 2018

Demons run when a good man goes to war.  Ashford loves that line so much.  Yes, Straight Outta Gallifrey is covering the Steven Moffat mid series 6 finale, A Good Man Goes to War.  Plots are unraveled and tightened at the same time.  Matt Smith is at his best in this episode, the pictures are pretty, and we get a...

Jun 5, 2018

Joe Dredd, Siskoid, and Ashford discuss the Sensorites, featuring Susan Foreman, the Doctor's granddaughter.  In this particular story, a description of Gallifrey is given by Susan as well as this character displaying telepathy.  Susan really stands up for herself in this one, indicating to the Doctor that she is...